Saturday, December 15, 2007


Then yesterday a colleague came in and asked if I had finished our data collection yet (please note the posting from Friday early am) and I said are you freakin' kidding me? Seriously, are you freakin' kidding me?

F***ers. I was GRADING. I will get to the data AFTER I BREATHE FOR ONE FREAKING DAY.

Then my head exploded because I couldn't find peanut butter in the Albertsons. I worked at a grocery store for 7 years. It's my mini first career. Peanut butter goes in an aisle. These people put their peanut butter in the bakery. Do they bake the peanut butter???? I DON'T THINK SO!!! So in the middle of an aisle at the Albertsons I said "where in the bleep bleep is the bleep bleep peanut butter?!?" Some nice young man said, it's in the corner. I said, thank you.

Where in tarnation is my gin and tonic!?!


Anonymous said...

Slacker. The rest of us got right on the data the moment we recorded that last grade.

Unknown said...


Eris said...

I spent a long time looking for the dairy section in an Anaheim Albertsons last night. It was in the back corner next to the cleaning supplies! Not near the meat, or the frozen food, but next to the Clorox. That makes sense.

Anonymous said...

I searched and searched for sweetened condensed milk today. Where did I find it? Next to the spaghetti sauce. Why was I looking in the baking section again?