Thursday, April 27, 2006

Car Troubles

I apparently do not know much about cars. So about 4 months ago I'm like, wow there's some weird shaking when I drive fast. I'll deal with it later. About a month ago I'm like, wow there's some squeakiness when I brake. I'll deal with it later. I am finally due for a car inspection so I go in to the mechanic. He's like, um, your one tire is down to the steel (whatever that means...I thought wheels were rubber) and your brakes are totally gone in the front (I was like but it still stops) and that'll be $390. I could have died as my tired exploded and my car wouldn't stop...who knew. Good thing there are mechanics.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Speaking Truth to Power

Finally just saw Good Night and Good Luck. Hot damn! This is a fantastic movie. For a moment in my life I wanted to be a journalist and this movie reminds me of why. When politics tries to scare down media, why do media blink? They should always speak truth to power. Oh yeah and George Clooney rocks.


Today I spent 3 hours gardening. First I took out all the little weeds. Pain in the ass those little weeds. Slippery buggers. Second I took out some ground cover I decided was redundant. Then I trimmed the hyacinths that were falling over under their own weight. Finally, I spread cedar mulch all over one part of the garden and bark nuggets all over another part. It looks great! Smells great too! Mulch must be a gift from God. I mean seriously, a gift from God...

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

It Was A Beautiful Day

Today was a beautiful day. Never mind the crazy people who are affecting my life, it was a beautiful day. I had good conversation, good debates, and some good food (even on my diet). I just wish some people would behave themselves. What is the obsession with rules? Bad behavior is bad behavior and for the love of Christ, even if you are allowed to do something doesn't mean you ought to do it!!!

Monday, April 24, 2006

Just because it's silly

Accent: Yankee
Booze: Liquor...gin and tonic in the summer, white russian in the winter.
Chore I Hate: Kitty litter.
Dog or Cat: 2 dogs, 3 cats.
Essential Electronics: Digital camera. iPod. Laptop.
Favorite Cologne(s): Clinique Happy.
Gold or Silver: Silver.
Hometown: Rotterdam, New York.
Insomnia: Never never never.
Job Title: Assistant professor of political science and philosophy.
Kids: Nope.
Living arrangements: Me and the pets and a husband in a cute little house by a mountain.
Most admirable trait: Loyalty.
Number of sexual partners: Not double digits but more than 2.
Overnight hospital stays: Two.
Phobias: Spiders and sharks.
Quote: Clearly.
Religion: Catholicism.
Siblings: None...well I guess two step-siblings, brother and sister.
Time I wake up: 6am because I am really hopeful everyday.
Unusual talent or skill: Really fast typist...missed my calling as a 40s secretary.
Vegetable I refuse to eat: I'm thinking okra, but maybe I'll be persuaded at some point.
Worst habit: Eating too much.
X-rays: Teeth.
Yummy foods I make: Pot roast, cheesecake, pineapple quiche, holiday meals.
Zodiac sign: Virgo

Bathroom Stalls

The bathrooms in my building have stalls that are as short as I am. I am very short, 5'3" on my tallest day. So anyone with normal height could look over these stalls and check out people in the bathroom next to them. What genius planned that? Who in the hell would design a bathroom stall that could be looked over? Ridiculous!

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Thank God it's Almost Over

Thank God the semester is almost over!!! One more week!!! I am tired. I am cranky. I am also on a diet which may make this April worst than any in recent memory. But more to the point, I can't wait to sleep until noon if I want. I don't plan on it, but it will be nice to if I want to.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Okay, I love TiVo. Problem is I have started TiVoing (is that a verb???) all my soaps I used to watch in my younger days. So I am hooked again!!! This is one of two guilty pleasures. One is soaps and the other is historical romance novels. Yes, I have a Ph.D. and yes I am a political scientist and yes I LOVE soaps and historical romance novels. I thought the first addiction was finally dying, but TiVo has brought it back to life.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Incredibly Nice Outside

Spring has sprung in Utah and it is beautiful. I sit on my big deck and I look at the mountains and I contemplate how freakin' good I have it. It's hard to be a Bohemian when it's so incredibly nice outside.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Movies Movies Movies

Come on get in my dvd player
Come on get in my dvd player...movies movies
(just channeling a little Strongbad)

I joined Netflix. And my first movies arrive tomorrow. King Kong (no, not me, my husband), Crash and Good Night and Good Luck. Yeah!!!

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Guilty Pleasure

I love Dallas (the series not the city, never been to the city, I'm sure it's great). I love it so much that I went out and bought the first season. This originally aired when I was four so why would I like it so much. Who knows? But I likes it a lot! I also have officially stopped eating too much and I have lost seven pounds. So, I guess that diet thing works...

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Easter Candy

I have started a diet as I have officially eaten too much and I have lost 5 pounds my first week. This is all good. Except that friends sent a box of Easter candy to my house. They also sent it to the wrong name (will not everyone just get over the fact that I kept my own name and do not have my husband's last name) but I digress. So what to do with this box of Easter candy that I want to eat in its entirety right now? Note to people: no sending candy to someone who is on a diet. It is mean and I think unconstitutional under the 8th amendment.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Life I Look At

It is so beautiful where I live. The mountains are beautiful. The air is pure. You can see for hundreds of miles. I have a beautiful deck built by my husband last year and I can sit on it and enjoy the sun for hours. My favorite thing is my sweetest little kitty who sleeps in the sun and then sleeps in the shade and then sleeps in the sun etc etc. But what is very funny is she looks so disgruntled that the sun and the shade aren't the same thing.

Monday, April 03, 2006

A Really Sad Day

I haven't been blogging long enough to tell the story of my 2005 year. First I was told I couldn't get pregnant, then I got pregnant, then at 6 months the baby died in utero. So, it basically sucked. For a whole host of reasons. And then yesterday I am in Costco and Paul says would you like an easter basket? Would you like to have an easter egg hunt? And I say, you don't get easter egg hunts or baskets when you don't have children. And then I cry for about 2 hours...not sobbing crying, just tears running down my face crying. So that when we went to the party we were going to people kept looking at me funny. It was a sad day. A really sad day.

Saturday, April 01, 2006


Today I had the brilliant idea to take my two huge labrador retrievers to the park to watch my husband coach a high school lacrosse game. When I arrived it was hailing and raining. I decide, well, I'm here, let's go boys. The three of us head out on to the field, which is slippery and wet. Mac (one of the labs) decides to run toward my husband on the field and play. I have no traction and I fall splat on my face. Then I roll over on my back and hold on to the leashes. People are stunned, I am laughing, and I am covered in mud. I didn't get to watch much of the lacrosse game.