Wednesday, December 17, 2008


So - my fabulous crash into the CURB - yes, the CURB, will cost me $1300. I tried to make a claim in car insurance, but apparently, after 6 years of perfect driving, I've never had an accident, and paying them $900 a year for basically giving me a piece of paper, they said, if we pay for your crash, you will owe us $1250 a year for the next three years.

Here comes a tangent - I really do not understand this at all. I pay thousands of dollars to an insurance company which does nothing for me for maintenance of my car nor in the event I have an accident that is my fault. I pay thousands of dollars to health insurance, but they cover my maintenance and if I fall (due to my negligence of walking on ice) they would cover my cast. Car insurance must be like 100 percent profit. Seriously. Off the tangent now.

We decided that $1300 now which we can pay off a credit card over the next 3 or 4 months with little interest accrued is better than the extra $350 a year for 3 years plus the $500 deductible.



Anonymous said...
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Just Casi said...
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Just Casi said...'s all a big scam

Eris said...

Car insurance is part of the Pentaveret - along with the Vatican and the Queen Mother.

Unknown said...

Yeah - but you'd think of car insurance was in there with the Vatican, then us Catholics wouldn't get screwed. Smile.

Just Casi said...

They meet tri-annually at a secret country mansion in Colorado known as "The Meadows".