Sunday, August 19, 2007

The Verdict is In

My husband's father arrived with photos of my husband when he was a baby and it is true, the Princess looks entirely like her father. In fact, a couple of the photos could be the Princess if it were not for the 1973 stamped on the picture. I have looked at my own baby pictures and the Princess and the Duchess have nothing in common.

So, I carried the Princess for nine months, competing with the heat and the high blood pressure and the HELLP syndrome. I now weigh twenty pounds more than when I started, none of my clothes fit and my stomach is so distended from the c-section I can barely make a stomach muscle.

And she is totally worth it....but, she doesn't have my name, she doesn't have anything of my looks about her. The Duchess would be happy if there were just a little bit of evidence that she and the Princess were related.

Maybe she'll get my blood type...

1 comment:

Eris said...

Having also carried 3 tiny creatures, all clones of their father, I empathize. Let me tell help ease your concern with the following three points:
1. Little Mr. Eris has begun to demonstrate a love of reading. Not something he got from his father.
2. Little Ms. Eris has a definite love of musicals, which she clearly inherited from me.
3. Littlest Ms. Eris is a loud-mouth. Again, me.

Don't worry - we show up there in the important places!