Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Report From New York

I am now allergic to New York. This is what happens when you move away from your home state - God punishes you and makes it so you can only live in Utah. Smile.

Here are the fun things I've been dealing with:
  1. Major blister from walk
  2. Major case of poison sumac all over the backs of my lives
  3. Sunburn
  4. Contact dermatitis (which brought along a hospital stay)
I'm going home Monday - next summer when I return I will make sure to come with long sleeved clothing...


Unknown said...

We miss you.

Um, what are the backs of your "lives"? Is that like the Days of Our Lives? Did you have a run in with sands and an hourglass?

Safe travels!

Eris said...

Ok, so next year forget the long sleeves and just stay home. These people can come visit you - we promise not to bite!

The Numismatist said...

Hurry back so you can get better!