Monday, June 22, 2009

My Daughter

As far as genetics go, I have no real evidence this beautiful girl is mine. Blue eyes, I have brown. She has blond hair, I have brown. She is on the low end of weight, I have always been on the high end of weight. No evidence whatsoever that she is anyone but my husband's child. But today, there was a sign of hope that she is actually related to me.

I had angel food cake (which is my favorite cake of all time) and I said, would you like a piece of angel food cake. She screamed and ran full tilt to her chair and piled in. She then sang and danced for the four and a half seconds it took her to ciao it down. Smile. That's all me.


Eris said...

There is other evidence she is yours... but I like this piece the best!

'boo said...

I still say that I think she looks like you! I'm totally loving the 'do btw.

Just Casi said...

Cake has always been the universal connection.

Unknown said...

My priest asked her Sunday what frequency she got on her hair - which made me laugh and laugh!!