Tuesday, June 16, 2009

My Husband the Nazi

Today the princess woke up at 530am, so the husband went up to check on her, picked her up and brought her down to her bed where she fell asleep for the first time ever for 4 hours and we all got up at 930am. I thought it was adorable - watching her sleep between us with her little head on our huge grown up pillows.

The husband said, that was adorable, don't get used to it.

He's such a parenting Nazi - I see many clashes over the years...


Unknown said...

The Nazi just said - it was our bed, not her bed - so not only is he a parenting Nazi but he is a pronoun Nazi as well.

Just Casi said...

It's cute for a minute...then they think they belong in your bed.

But I agree with the cuteness factor.

The Numismatist said...

I'll bet you a hot fudge sundae that she will be trying this trick again. Tomorrow morning. And the morning after.

Dylan's DriveIn will be fine, thank you.

Unknown said...

Once you let them in, they never leave.