Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Meme from Dr. Tomorrow

I have been tagged. I am so excited since this has never happened before. And of course, if we were playing tag I'd be it since it takes me so damn long to respond.

I am
sitting in my office avoiding research.
I want to get my encyclopedia entries done so I can work on my journal and resubmit.
I wish my baby had survived because it'd be fun to have a kid to screw up (mostly if you want a punk rocker as a kid, you have to screw him or her up).
I love my spouse and the pets and my good friends.
I miss days with no complications and no need for therapy.
I fear that I will never be recognized as a scholar.
I hear some funky 80s music playing on the radio -- Howard Jones.
I wonder how it is possible for a labrador retriever to be allergic to pollen and have to take 6 giant pills a day and have to be sprayed on his belly.
I regret being angry with people for stupid stuff.
I am not sure how I will survive my diet as I am SOOOO hungry.
I dance when I take a shower.
I sing a bit out of key but only in my car.
I cry when I see babies (this is a new phenomenon and maybe after therapy I will regress to my I NEVER CRY bitchy self).
I am not always hanging out with good friends which bums me out.
I write poorly unless I write often.
I make people pissy when I am honest.
I confuse my grandmother since I have kept my last name, wear my hair long, and have a career.
I need a cookie, or candy, or pizza, or any food that is NOT a lean cuisine.
I should exercise more and eat less.
I start my exercise regimen tomorrow at 7am...ooof.
I finish projects better when I have a deadline.

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