Thursday, March 15, 2007

Back from Vacation

I was at a conference this past week. I discussed papers (in Political Science, one of the presenters is someone who's job it is to kick the authors' asses on their papers) and did pretty well. I presented a paper (and thank you fate for giving me the first time slot in the conference and the very last time slot in the conference) and did pretty well with that as well. I am always convinced that my mediocre intelligence will someday shine forth and someone will call the con for what it is: this woman clearly shouldn't be a PHD. She's an IDIOT! (I lack that male gene of total self-confidence) I took a meeting which has set me up for a major project over the next few years. Grant $$$. Come on come on. Many publications as well! Woo hoo. I was polished, I was fabulous, and I was the most professional I can be. Came away with many many ideas and many many questions about politics.

Arrived in my office today to many emails from students who were told by my department secretary that I was on vacation the last three days of school before spring break. ARGH! VACATION! The balloon deflates with a whimper.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Go you!!!!

Vacation (my ass) ... a conference is NOT vacation.