Thursday, August 28, 2008

History Proves Utah Wrong

I have heard, on any number of occasions in any number of venues, that Utah used to be a bipartisan state back before the evil Democrats switched their position on Abortion in 1980 or before they fell in love with Reagan in 1980 - anyway, I keep hearing that 1980 was the turning point.

Really? Below is the history of Utah's voting for Republicans for president. Um - when exactly was Utah Democratic? Before Reagan they voted well above a close race for Nixon and Ford. They ranked first in the nation for FORD! This is after there was a coup attempt by Utah Republicans to get Reagan on the ticket instead of Ford. So you see, even in the year that Utahns didn't really even like the Republican candidate, no other state voted for him more than Utah.

Please - just stop pretending you used to be good people who became Republicans because of the abortion issue - the Nixon election happened before abortion was even an issue and before the Equal Rights Amendment issue - you all are just Republicans. Acknowledge it. Own it. Just say - we love wealthy people better than poor people and there is no moral reason for it.


1968: 57% for Nixon; rank of 3 for Republican
1972: 68% for Nixon, rank of 14 for Rep
1976: 62% for Ford, rank of 1 for Rep
1980: 73% for Reagan, rank of 1 for Rep
1984: 75% for Reagan, rank of 1 for Rep
1988: 66% for Bush, rank of 1 for Rep
1992: 43% for Bush, rank of 8 for Rep (Clinton vote was 50 rank)
1996: 54% for Dole, rank of 1 for Rep
2000: 67% for Bush, rank of 3 for Rep
2004: 72% for Bush, rank of 1 for Rep


Eris said...

See my email responding to your email in which I deliver a very boring history that agrees with/contradicts your post.

I love you! And I have always been a Democrat.

Unknown said...

Your email was well written - although I don't think Utah voting against Goldwater is a clear, ringing endorsement of their being Democrat (I mean Goldwater was crazy), and didn't Utah vote against FDR for Hoover? My larger point is I always hear about how the state changed - like it was so Dem and then so Rep because the Dems became evil in the 1970s. Well the deal is, I've seen the list of CD 1 and they split pretty evenly and I've seen this Presidential list and it's pretty one sided (um, not even pretty). So I'm just thinking the fact that maybe the state legislature had more Democrats doesn't mean the state ever switched. Even before the Democrats picked up civil rights of women as an issue.