Friday, August 29, 2008

Palin - Crap

I have never (since 1992 as that's as long as I've been eligible to vote) voted for a Republican for President - so I have a .500 batting average, 2 winners and 2 losers. I voted for Hillary Clinton in the primary (catching a whole lot of flak from my friends and colleagues in the process). Last night I was one of the Hillaryites (who knows where the media gets these names) who was wooed by Obama. And then McCain this morning announces Palin.

My husband says she's very conservative. He says, don't worry, in Utah it's not like your vote will matter in the Electoral College.

But here's the thing - she's a woman and I feel pretty powerfully that it's important to have women in these positions so that young girls feel like political leadership is an identity they could have. And after 220 years of white men (save the very rare or very non-viable exceptions), a woman in the vice presidency that's not in a movie is very appealing to me. My grandfather once told me that it was ridiculous to vote based on identity and that you should always vote on issues (except he's a white, anglo-saxon Protestant male whose ancestors founded the nation - and I pointed out to him that if everyone who ran for office looked like me too then maybe I could have that principled position - he told me to move to Mexico - not one of our better exchanges). And I do think we should vote on policies - but I am powerfully tempted here to vote for the evil old man who hates women (apparently in Arizona he referred to his wife as a pretty bad c-word) because of the role model effect.

And - she's a mother of five who went back to work 3 days after she had her last baby. She has a degree in journalism and political science and was a sportscaster for a while before she went into politics. Does that sound familiar?



The Numismatist said...

Take a deep breath and get a hold of yourself! That was one scary post!

Anonymous said...

Joe, I respectfully disagree, if women had been controlling national politics for 240 years and the first man ever to have a shot came up we would feel just as Leah does. Brilliant strategy by the McCain camp; of the 18 million Americans who preferred Hillary to Obama he could very well siphon off 2-3 million of them by this tactic, garnering 10-15 electoral college votes in a race where eveery elector counts (big time). However, she is reputationally very conservative, and another Rep administration is a travesty of brobdignagian proportions. But what a meteoric rise to the national stage, 10 years ago a mayor of an Alaskan town of 9,000. As of today, a VP candidate with a 72 year old running mate--the best bet for a Presidential run is from the VP spot either taking over for a dead or sick president, or being in a position to get your party's nomination in a subsequent election. We haven't seen a rise from obscurity to the national stage like this since Lincoln.

Just Casi said...

She looks like Tina Fey.
Vote for Tina Fey!!

Anonymous said...

Did you not listen to Hillary's speech Wednesday night??????

Eris said...

We'll talk in person, but I think you can NOT vote for McCain/Palin and feel very good and pro-woman about it. Love ya!