Monday, August 25, 2008

My Baby

So today I was getting ready in the morning and it hit me that I'm a mom - like a role model of a mom. Not that it shouldn't have hit me much earlier - but there I was, getting dressed for work and putting on my make up and Lily was sitting right next to me with her hand on my knee watching every stroke of my make up brushes. I was thinking - kind of sadly - of how many times in the future we'll do this and when she'll want to use my make up and then she'll show me some new ways of applying it.

I love being the mom of a baby girl!


The Numismatist said...

I'm waiting for the day when she looks at you and says "Clearly Mom, this is a piece of shit". Considering how much she is already talking right now that will probably happen in the next three months! (Sorry for saying shit.)

Eris said...

Moments like this always leave me with 2 emotions: touched by how much my girls want to be like me and horrified that I am helping solidify the myth that they will need makeup to look beautiful.

Your baby will not need makeup to look beautiful.

The Numismatist said...

Eris is so much nicer than I.

athena said...

I agree with Eris. Jubee picked up mascara this past month. Just that little bit makes her seem incredibly grown up. Little steps like that are fun to go through with them. Enjoy!

Unknown said...

You can say shit whenever you want I don't wear makeup to look beautiful, I wear makeup for school (kind of like men wear ties) to help my face not get so red when I'm teaching...I've gotten comments on my course evals about that.

The Numismatist said...

I chuckled this morning when the Duke brought the Princess over. He was all dressed up in his slacks and jacket, looking really smart and universityish. Then I noticed the sandals on his feet. Still smiling. I am old.

Eris said...

Oh, I just figured your flushed face was from academic overexcitement!

athena said...

He could wear nothing but a paper sack and still be acceptable!

Unknown said...

LOL - he wore those tevas to both weddings we went to this summer - there is just no taming that subtle rebellion of his...