Friday, September 12, 2008

Back to the Gym

Thanks to my very good pal, Eris, I actually got up today and went to the gym. I was so excited to go and I was looking forward to working out with her! It was great.

And then I realized that I took husband's shuffle instead of mine own. I have fun music on my shuffle. You can dance to it or run to it or bike to it. It's fun. Paul's music is either screaming or bleep blooping or is generally in some key that I'm not sure a real musician could find on a real instrument. It ruined my whole morning. I got into a work out funk and left after only working out for 30 minutes.

I am sorry Eris for being such a bum...but seriously, who can work out to that crap???
Oh - and I also think I offended Eris's friend as I said, rather loudly, this music f***ng blows...


Eris said...

No offense - I swear regularly around my friend. But she thinks I'm British, so never mind the accent.

Can't wait for Monday. It's been a long time since I did an actual workout class. Scary.

Unknown said...

Oh - we are going to be so awesome!!