Wednesday, June 28, 2006

it is So Humid, it is Flooding

I love living in Utah. There are many reasons I love living in Utah: it's beautiful (mountains are stunning...nothing else to say, stunning), it's far away from home (love my family but I love the fact that I am an adult and no one remembers I used to hate losing), it's mostly Republican making my Democratism fun (questioning all the time if your politics are correct because everyone assumes you are wrong is challenging), it's mostly Mormon making my Catholicism a minority (things people say to me about being Catholic while in New York would be non-pc in Utah).

But I am thinking that maybe the number one reason I love living in Utah is it is NOT HUMID. For the love of Christ, humidity makes me cranky and it makes my hair frizzy and it makes me ache for central air and ... the list goes on and on.

It is so humid in New York this week that the rivers have flooded the highway. I humid does it have to get???? Clearly this is too much humid!!!

1 comment:

Eris said...

I think you should come home then. Frizzy hair is enough to end any vacation.

PS - Utah loves you, too