Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Media Blitz

For the record, I have a degree from the esteemed S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications in Newspaper Journalism. For a little - or really my entire high school life which began with my reading All the President's Men (which has some serious relevance today, but I digress) - while I was planning to be the next Woodward and Bernstein (and again a slight digression as I think, jeesh, if I had kept going down that path I could be toppling another evil president). This meant I needed a degree in newspaper - not communications, newspaper. And as I had bled orange my whole life - having been born at Syracuse General to an Orange alum - I needed a degree in newspaper from Syracuse University, which just happened to have one of the top three newspaper programs in the nation at the time. Unfortunately this path was derailed when it turned out I didn't really enjoy asking people questions - kind of a requirement to be a reporter - and that I really wanted to explain why politics happened rather than commenting on what happened politically. And if you re-read All the President's Men you'll see that all they're really doing is commenting on what happened politically. So I switched to Political Science.

But today I have rediscovered another reason why I left the path of Woodward and Bernstein. Media suck. Seriously. I have watched pre-eminent journalist after pre-eminent journalist try to trip up some young person in interviews after this tragedy. Thank God I am not in that profession.

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