Monday, April 23, 2007

Traveling While With Parasite

This weekend the husband and I attended a wedding back east (we can actually say back east as we are actually from the east, all of these westerners who have never stepped foot to the east of the Rocky Mountains really should not call it back east...but anyway) which entailed traveling 5 hours in a plane from SLC to Newark.

When you live a million miles away from everyone (which I would recommend to everyone) you fly a lot. So we fly, a lot. I don't really like flying, I hate not having an escape route, but it's a necessity of life, so I fly, a lot. But I have never flown when my belly is sticking out further from my body than my chest, which makes my whole trick of spinning to the side and sleeping not work as the belly doesn't fit sideways in an airline seat. I'd like to go home in June to my stepsister's graduation, but I don't think it's going to work. I'll just be huge then and who the hell wants to travel like that? I mean, seriously!

But the wedding was fun. Husband got to see his family and the family got to see me in all my parasitical bliss. The next time I see these people the parasite just might have a name.

Oh, and, I was introduced to a friend of the husband's father as essentially the incubator for the was thinking I need a t-shirt that says that in addition to the very cool parasite t-shirt my good friends got me.


Eris said...

Welcome back! I went "back east" while pregnant once - Missouri sure was nice, though.

Unknown said...

And, Boomer!! How cool is THAT?!?!

Unknown said...

Oh yeah! I forgot to mention Boomer. That was very cool!!!