Sunday, October 14, 2007

Funny Funny Students

My senior seminar students are writing reviews of major pieces of literature. In order to complete this assignment, they need to send me via email their 7-8 page paper (book or article review for which they received explicit instructions) which I will then post on a website for all students to read. These are due a week before the presentation is due. So, the first set of presentations are tomorrow. Two students haven't sent in their paper, so I guess they get zeros. One student sent me the paper Friday at 530pm (the email is time stamped) and then sent me an email today wondering why I hadn't posted it on the website. I want to know, do they think I have nothing else to do on a weekend but check my work email anxiously waiting for their product, that is four days late?

So I'm thinking I may put on my syllabi in the spring that I will only be expected to answer emails from 9am to 5pm M-F. I often think how great it is to be a professor with email, but one of the drawbacks is I did not have instant access to my professors in undergrad. I could not send them an email and just assume that covered whatever I was doing. I actually had to make time to go to their offices during their office hours. This made me more responsible and also made it easier for my professors. I know I can't tell students they can't send emails, I am seriously not that much of a Luddite, but I am thinking that a work week limit might be appropriate.

On another professional note, go listen to my podcast:

Mayoral Debate


Stan said...

I think I'll follow your advice on email.

Here's another one for your files: I went to the office at 500pm to grade a few papers b/f our policy meeting Saturday night. At 545p, there's a knock at my office door. I (reluctantly) open the door. It's a student! The student asks, "do you have about 2 hours to review some things about our class?"

In my head, I say (and think this could only be said best by Samuel L. Jackson), "F$#! NO I DON'T HAVE 2 HOURS TO LISTEN TO YOUR BULLS#$% F#$%-ING SORRY-A#$! IT'S SATURDAY! SAY IT WITH ME: 'S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR GD MIND?"

Unknown said...

You have got to be kidding me...was the student stalking your office?