Sunday, May 24, 2009


I bought a new camera - a sweet, swanky Nikon D-60 which I love. Very much. I am remembering how much fun photography is and wondering why I ever switched from photo-journalism. I took 215 pictures yesterday of nothing. I took 300 pictures the day before of lacrosse - lacrosse!!! And Brad Pitt wasn't even playing - although a Matt Damon look-alike was (smile).

Last night my favorite photographer on the planet came over to show me how to do amazing things with digital stuff. I now realize just how much work she does and even more amazed. I had NO freaking idea how much work that was. And the work she does is fantastically brilliant. And I am even more convinced she deserves many accolades and prizes...


The Numismatist said...

Ahh, you're sweet. But where are the pictures?

Unknown said...

Smile. I'm working on it!!

Just Casi said...

If you're willing to put in the time, you can get wonderful results.
And it seems you are willing!

Muriel said...

Numi helped me pick out my camera over a year ago and even gave me some lessons. I have yet to do anything fantastically brilliant. Soon, I hope. Oh wait, how many kids do I have and adding one more at the same time as you? So, probably later than sooner. Sigh.