Saturday, May 23, 2009

Way Too Long

It has been way too long and I know it. I am failing in all my personal stuff because I have NO time. So here's what I've been up to.
  1. Went to Washington D.C. to find housing for WSU interns - that was a great trip!
  2. Went to a million lacrosse games for my husband's HS season.
  3. Graded 100 students and got them finished.
  4. Prepped 3 classes for the summer - all of which changed so they were new.
  5. I'm getting huge in my pregnancy which prompted my husband last night to say "I don't think I've ever seen you this big before" - thanks.
  6. Sleeping little, stressing lots.


noelle willes sadler said...

Leave it to the husbands to know what they shouldn't say!!!! I think you are cute! You should be getting big. Sounds like a busy summer. Baby will be here before you know it. Any news on the sex? (Let it be a boy, Let it be a boy, Let it be a boy...he he he)

Just Casi said...

Ben said something very similar to me the other day. IT's sweet really....
Sounds like you've been a busy girl! We need to play later. I miss your face!

The Numismatist said...

After seeing you last night I think you are carrying this one way lower than the Princess. Although I'm still on the girl team that might be a good sign for a boy.

Unknown said...

Paul is rooting boy big I will tell him you said that!!