Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Backup Outfit

Here is my beautiful baby. She's in a teepee at the Treehouse Museum, looking sweet and cute. In an outfit her father chose for her to be the backup outfit - if she gets a mess on her clothes, she has a backup. Which apparently he thought a gray and brown moose t-shirt matches a pink and purple plaid skirt. Seriously. I need to be extra vigilant.


'boo said...

That is an AWESOME outfit! I love that the hair elastic matches the skirt. Great finishing touch!

The Numismatist said...

In all fairness to her father, that was not the backup skirt. It was rainbow-striped shorts which didn't match any better. Those mismatched clothes didn't dampen her spirits one little bit. She still ran around playing and having a ball!

Mr. Eris also has a tough time with picking out clothes. He has been known to bring three or four outfits on Grandma Tuesday so I can pick out the best one.

Gotta love those daddies!

Just Casi said...

I promise that the only people who noticed were mom and numi.

She looks like she is having a blast.

The Numismatist said...

and Numi didn't care.

Eris said...

The best part of Mr. Eris's 3 outfits for you to pick from is that you end up having to pick a shirt from one outfit and a bottom from another.
