Sunday, August 20, 2006

Let's Go Fly a Kite

When I first married my husband I thought his family was crazy...which, of course, they are as all families are...but now I also think they are fabulous. They are different from me and I could recount many times my obsessive compulsive behaviorisms almost caused me to have a heart attack around their very laid back style, but in this, who is crazy? The laid back people or the on the brink ocd person? I leave it to you to decide.

My mother-in-law is a fantastic, feisty woman who lives her life the way she wants to live it and I admire that very much. She says what she thinks, she is very intelligent and she is loyal to her family...all of which I appreciate and think are the marks of what women should be. My father-in-law is a deep, kind man who is very sensitive to what is going on around him and what people are feeling. In the worst days of my life after I lost my baby I had long conversations with him that were the most empathetic of that whole experience and I'm not sure he realizes how much strength he gave me. My brother-in-law is a fantastic young man whose heart is always in the right place. He has his brother's back at all times and I often am envious of their sibling bond that transcends difference in ages and miles distance between them. His wife, my sister-in-law, is a sharp young woman who sees everything and I am often taken aback by her insights. Just when I think she's not paying attention, she says something that indicates she's taken it all in and is chewing on it. I enjoy conversations with her and just spending time with her.

Why am I opining on my in-law family? Because my brother-in-law and sister-in-law are here this weekend and I am having so much fun. It is great to watch my husband just completely relax with his brother, it is great to watch my sister-in-law tease my brother-in-law, in general it is great to have family around and realize that just because we live in Utah doesn't mean we don't love our family.

And also, my brother-in-law flies a kite! A kite! I have never flown a kite and I guess I have no idea how to get a kite in the air (this falls in those general areas of not knowing how to get a yo-yo to work and how to skateboard). This morning we went down to the windiest part of the canyon (which gets VERY windy) and he flew his kite. Fabulous, absolutely fabulous!

1 comment:

Andrew McAllister said...

I love it when family differences turn into family joys. I asked my readers a similar question last week, to tell me about the differences in their families of origin that led to relationship challenges. You can see a summary of the results in this article.