Sunday, September 10, 2006

my Puppies Rock

I have two labrador retrievers. They are rather large (weighing in at 70lbs and 80lbs); they are rather loud (they have a tendency to speak rather loudly about strangers walking down the street); they have rather atrocious odors at times (they never say excuse me as they wipe out the room); they are rather obnoxious (stealing most of the bed most every night and eating many expensive items); and they rock.

When I found out I was losing my baby at 5 months and waited for 5 weeks for it to happen at 6 months, they spent a lot of time just being with me. My older puppy, Hobbes, took to laying his head on my stomach as if to comfort both the dying baby and me. When I don't want to get up in the morning to jog, they act as though the only thing they have been waiting for has been the chance to run very slowly with me on leashes through the neighborhood. When I took them to my very favorite place to be, Sacandaga, they loved it more than I did and took immediately to boating and swimming and hanging out in the camp. They are always thrilled to see me when I come home and sad to see me leave for work.

Today, hubby and I were having a rather loud argument. As he says, we do this about once or twice a year. We sound off at each other about nothing really serious and then we laugh at each other for being silly. So, really no big deal. But it probably sounded scary to a puppy who doesn't speak English very well. Hobbes comes strolling into the room and sits down between hubby and myself as if to say, "can't we all just get along here?" As we carried the argument into a second room (I was dusting and insisted the argument follow me so I could multitask), Hobbes followed us around, continuing to put himself between us. This cracked us up rather quickly and the argument was over.

I love my puppies.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good boy, Hobbes.