Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Baby Terror Begins

Today was my 36 week appointment. As I will be having a c-section one week early (my baby is stubbornly breech) this means I have 3 weeks to go. Exactly. 3 weeks from today I will be co-parenting.

How terrifying is that? I mean, seriously, how terrifying is that? How does one strike the right balance to get a kid who is rebellious while not doing drugs or activities that could kill him or her? How does one support individuality without raising a complete asshole with no respect for manners and norms? How does one make sure the kid is a Democrat? How does one make sure the kid doesn't marry a Republican? Or, even worse, God forbid, some kind of fundamentalist religious zealot?

These are the big questions. This doesn't even approach the little questions of, how does one change a diaper?


Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you!

As far as the how to's? I think it's pretty much luck!

Eris' Big Sis

Unknown said...

I'll always be there to listen (mit ice cream or wine ... depending on the circumstances).

Muriel said...

When you learn the secrets of parenting, please let us know! I think we are all just winging it at this point (and I'm incubating #4, how scary is that?!).