Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Oh Yeah, Elizabeth Has Arrived

Last week I had a baby. It was scary and quick and involved many drugs - I had some kind of syndrome that apparently you don't want to have - and now Elizabeth is here.

She is adorable. Every person who runs into her, including labor and delivery nurses who have all seen thousands of babies, talk about how cute she freaking is. Because she is. The puppies love her, her grandparents love her, her daddy loves her and I love her like nothing has ever been loved before.

I am very happy. Thank God for small, little packaged miracles.


Eris said...

Hooray for babies! Welcome to the world of stains, crying, constant searching for babysitters, and unconditional love.

Unknown said...


I can't wait to see her (and you and Paul and in-laws and puppies, and cats) tomorrow.

Muriel said...

Congratulations! I'm glad to hear she is here. I had a syndrome with #3. Can't remember what it was called, but it involved anti-biotics. Enjoy your time with your little one. They are so precious.

Stan said...

Congratulations to you and Paul!!!


Stan said...
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