Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Eliot Spitzer

Well, how the mighty have fallen.

My good friend who is an Obama fan called today and said, "a woman just wouldn't do this." And I said, yet again, another reason why I am voting for Clinton. And she said, well, I won't repeat it as it was bad language.



Eris said...

A woman would never do that?! As a feminist, I am offended by that.

Unknown said...

Um. Name me one woman you know who has hired a prostitute. Now, name me 500 men...see?

Eris said...

Yes, but I think the low occurance is just a result of the lack of male prostitutes. Fred Garvin, where are you?!

Unknown said...

My dad said the low occurrence is the result of the lack of female power. But again, I say, the reason we have low male prostitution is that women don't need to pay for sex - which is a whole other conversation we could have for which I have all sorts of anecdotal evidence - and therefore do not go around making laws about prostitution and then breaking them. And I'm also not sure that a woman while in power would need to prove to anyone how big her penis is...so I'm not sure my dad is right either...


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see you have joined the religious right! Because clearly, anyone who has engaged in extramarital sex is not qualified to hold office.