Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Yankee Fan

Oh yeah, the Yankees are SOOOO evil. It's amazing how evil they are. After Katrina, the NFL gave 1 million dollars to Louisiana, the Yanks gave 1 million on their own. And last year, after the VTech shooting, they gave 1 million dollars to a fund at the school for victims. And this year, the big guns from the team showed up to play the VTech baseball team. Oh yeah, they suck, so bad, they are so evil, jeesh.



Eris said...

Was that million just extra lying around, or did A-Rod agree to work for half an hour without pay?

Love ya!

Unknown said...

No, in fact the entire team (including A-Rod and Jeter) went to VTech to play.

So there...smile.

Eris said...
