Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Ride Home Tonight

Setup: Paul and I drive separately to a party. I drive home the children and he drives home alone. We leave at the same time and he puts the Princess in the van, shuts the door and walks away.

Car ride:

Lily - sobbing: "Daddy, come back, Daddy come back."

Me - feeling badly: "Daddy is right behind us, honey, we're all going home."

Lily - still sobbing: "I sad. Missing Daddy."

Me - still feeling badly but thinking it's cute: "Daddy is in the car next to us, honey, look!"

(much bad driving in which Paul and I try to get her to wave to him in his car)

Lily - not sobbing anymore: "Momma, please play Tomorrow."

Me - thinking we have gotten over the worst of it: "You want Annie?"

Lily: "Yes."

(put on Annie album on nano - thank the Lord for the nano)

Lily and me - at the top of our lungs: "TOMORROW TOMORROW I LOVE YA TOMORROW"


The Numismatist said...

You're never fully dressed without a smile.
That made me smile!

Eris said...

Who cares what you're wearing?!