Car ride:
Lily - sobbing: "Daddy, come back, Daddy come back."
Me - feeling badly: "Daddy is right behind us, honey, we're all going home."
Lily - still sobbing: "I sad. Missing Daddy."
Me - still feeling badly but thinking it's cute: "Daddy is in the car next to us, honey, look!"
(much bad driving in which Paul and I try to get her to wave to him in his car)
Lily - not sobbing anymore: "Momma, please play Tomorrow."
Me - thinking we have gotten over the worst of it: "You want Annie?"
Lily: "Yes."
(put on Annie album on nano - thank the Lord for the nano)
Lily and me - at the top of our lungs: "TOMORROW TOMORROW I LOVE YA TOMORROW"
You're never fully dressed without a smile.
That made me smile!
Who cares what you're wearing?!
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