Friday, May 07, 2010


My daughter gets up about 15 times a night before she goes to bed. I don't find this frustrating because I understand it.

I was thinking about it the other night and I was remembering how desperate I was as a little person to get into a picture like this. I wanted to be up late at night, eating dinner, drinking wine, having good conversation and have someone take a picture of the group I was in.

There are millions of these photos in my family - they exist over the years and across the miles. Murrays stay up eating and drinking wine deep into the darkness of the night - and at some point someone who is less drunk than the rest hops up and takes a picture of everyone leaning in over the table. They are in frames all over the world - as I have family in Australia.

Last week I went out to dinner with my Utah friends and family and we took a picture - it is now up in my house as a testament to good drink, good conversation and good food. And as a testament to why my daughter, who herself is probably more Murray than she realizes, wants to be up at night too...

As we say "Eat, Drink and be Murray, for tomorrow you may die!"

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