Monday, July 31, 2006

the End of July

I come from upstate New York, which means for those of you who have never been there, that July and August and maybe sometimes September are the worst months of the year. I never acclimated to the humidity, I just complained about it every summer. And I moped. And I whined. And I, one summer, locked myself in my bedroom with a little air conditioner and didn't ever leave. Thus, in my former life, back east as it were, I would be counting the days as I had now made it through a third of the hell on earth that is upstate New York in the dog days of summer.

Here, in lovely Utah, the end of July signals the end of heat. There is never really humidity, I mean there kind of is, but for the most part you can survive. You don't have to mope and whine. And because it's hotter here there is air conditioning everywhere so you really just have to make it from the car to your office. No dripping sweat when you step out of the shower.

It is the end of July. Temps this week are dropping into the low 80s. And I am happy that fall is on its way. Dear eastern family, you should move west!

In addition, one month ago my rearview mirror fell off. You cannot replace the rearview mirror unless it is less than 75 degrees. Thus, for the month of July, I have been killing people as I change langes. Very scary driver I am even with a rearview mirror, without it becomes almost diabolical. This morning it was below 70 when I woke up, in July no less, and now my husband is replacing my rearview mirror. No more excuses for causing the road rage.

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