Tuesday, February 19, 2008

My Life

I once heard it said that a woman had happy moments, not a happy life. I imagine in many ways this is true. Women bear quite a bit of the burdens of this world without any of the managing, this impotence is hard on the psyche, and women have been in this position for millennia. For a long time I had a relatively sad life, due to some of my own rather spectacularly bad choices and also due to others' bad decisions. Now I am sitting here doing some work from home while waiting for Lily to fall asleep and she is cooing away and discussing the world with the many stuffed animals in her room. She is a very happy baby mostly due to rather good choices I have made lately - including marrying her father and moving to Utah and choosing to have a good job that allows me to be home a lot. I envision her heading down the path to a happy life with sad moments, rather than the other way around and while I get to travel this path with her - not for her, but alongside - I get to live a happy life too.

She's seriously the most perfect and wonderful thing that has ever happened.


Eris said...

They really are little miracles that help you recognize the good times.

The Numismatist said...

Aahhh, the musings of a happy mother. Enjoy that happy life!