Sunday, April 13, 2008

Annual Sunburn

I am still unused to the Utah sun. Today I sat in the sun for a couple of hours, being silly with my girlfriends. I am now so sunburned it's ridiculous. Seriously! I am a grown woman, it is completely inappropriate to have sunburns in your 30s. Smile.

I am miserable. I have a head ache. I should never go out in the sun. No SPF, nothing.


But in other news, my good friend came and spent the day. Which I love.


The Numismatist said...

"Utah sun"? Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.
The "mom" in me has only this to say: "Take two Tylenol and quit complaining". Actually, Eris will tell you that I probably wouldn't be that nice.

(Please put baby sunscreen in the diaper bag.)

Eris said...

No. She wouldn't be that nice. Tylenol won't help - you need aspirin (sp?) and to get into the habit of wearing block every day. It's like chapstick - vitally important if you live in the high desert!