Tuesday, January 30, 2007

3rd Year Review

Today I got my department letter for my third year review. You get graded (as I think I have explained previously) on teaching - skill in the classroom; scholarship - contributions to the literature studying your field; service - citizenship at the university. You can get as low as a poor, and as high as an excellent.

Here's how I did from the department:

Teaching: Excellent
Scholarship: Good
Service: Excellent

I am SO psyched.

Please, send presents.


Eris said...

Way to go! I'm so proud of you - and I like to think that my being a difficult student in 2002 made you a bit of who you are today.

Unknown said...

Smile. You were so NOT a difficult student ever. I used to brag about you to all my colleagues. Smile.

Unknown said...

You *rock*!!