Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The In-Laws Descend

Tonight my father-in-law and brother-in-law arrive to ski with my husband. It will be a house full of testosterone and I may go crazy. My normal defenses against the craze is drinking, which I can't do at the moment because of the parasite, so I'm not sure what to do. Maybe start reading some Jane Austen to steep myself in estrogen based lives. Maybe play really loud music on my ipod and tune it all out.

Paul is cleaning the house like crazy today, which I think is kind of funny as whenever his family arrives the house becomes an instant disaster zone. But I guess we should start with our cleanliness at an A. If we began at a C, then who knows the havoc that could be wreaked.

Let me draw your attention to my top five ways it becomes a disaster zone. A couple are rather funny, so look to the left.

1 comment:

Eris said...

If you need an escape, I have a Relief Society party tonight at church. Lots of women and NOOOOOO drinking.

If you need loud girl music, may I suggest the Evanescence CD I am currently using to tamp down all my pent up rage? It rocks, and it's a chick singing.

If you just need a break - come over to visit. I'll be hanging out with the little Erises and can always use adult company.

Oh, and tell Jamie and Mr. Paul I said Hi!