Friday, May 04, 2007

Hobbes the Super-Athlete

My puppy, Hobbes, is a super-athlete. How do we know? Well, following are attributes of super-athletes that my puppy displays.
  1. Whining diva attitude - Hobbes is the center of the universe and if you don't acknowledge it hourly he will pout or bark at you
  2. Short busts of incredible speed - Hobbes can go from pure sleep to pure speed in a split second
  3. Put on the DL at the beginning of the season - Hobbes ruptured his cruciate ligament Wednesday
My dog ruptured his cruciate ligament. He was playing in the backyard, planted his foot and spun (I think to catch that elusive invisible football heading straight at him). He immediately started to limp. We, being good puppy parents, ignored it thinking he was being a diva. Two days later we decide we should take him to the vet. So here we go.

  • $350 for x ray to determine that the cruciate ligament is ruptured
  • $50 for the pain medicine/anti-inflammatory medicine to help him feel better
  • $1700 (no that's not a typo, that's $1700) for the knee surgery so he can get back on his feet
  • No walks, no hikes, no running around, no going to the bathroom without being walked out on a leash (that's my favorite), no playing


Eris said...

Oh, please give Hobbes my hugs and kisses. Let us know his favorite brand of doggie treat and we will bring a care package from Mabel and Bingo.

Unknown said...

Oh honey!

We'll happily pill him, cuddle him, and soak his foot (should he require it).

It's lucky we know (and love) our vet(s); they let us have time payments.

Anonymous said...