Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Report: Back From Flag

I just got back from a great visit with my best friend who lives in Flagstaff, which is about 9 hours away from here. For a while we were VERY far apart distance wise, and now we are a drive! Woo Hoo! It was great! It was fun! But now I'm back. Here's a list of crap I have to do:

  1. Clean out the house for the arrival of the hatched parasite.
  2. Pay the bills.
  3. Register for parasite presents.
  4. Get fat while baby grows.
  5. Keep the puppy on his physical therapy.
  6. Write my dissertation into a book (oh yeah, that was due in January).
  7. Write an article with colleague about new research project idea.
  8. Write book review (oh yeah, that was due in April).
  9. Get instrument together to do 2008 presidential election project.
  10. Get 1100 online class together and ready to go on new online program.
  11. Take pregnancy classes 3X a week for 2 hours each time.
  12. Give birth to and nourish newborn baby and go back to work 3 weeks later.
Clearly it is time to turn on the super-type A-stay up all night Murray power ring...kind of like the green lantern, but better.

Will I ever sleep again?


Eris said...

Good luck with that. Two things: 1. Pregnancy classes 6 hours a week?! What in the world are they teaching you?

2. No. You will never sleep again.

Unknown said...

That's what I heard. No sleep for you!