Thursday, June 07, 2007

Cleaned out the House

Well there's a parasite on the way, in case you didn't know, so we had to clean out the house.

Today the husband and I cleared out as many books as we could, because quite frankly, we have too many damn books that we don't read more than once. All my historical romances - gone. All Paul's civil war historical fiction - gone. I had a much easier time giving up my sex books than Paul did his killing and death books, go figure.

Gone is the desktop computer we haven't used in a year. Paul of course still has his three laptops - why one person with one lap needs more than one laptop is beyond me.

We are now prepared to move some furniture around and be even more ready for this little person who gets her own space. As someone who is very keen on having my own space, it is important to me that she get her own space.

Five boxes of books, FIVE.

1 comment:

Eris said...

Sounds like a party. Do we get to look through your old stuff before you send it to Good Will? I'd love some good killing and death books - no historical sex, thanks.