Friday, June 29, 2007

Duchess Explained

This is the Duchess. Not to be confused with who posts, because she will not deign to waste her time typing into a computer - except for all those kitty listservs I am sure she is on plotting the deaths of all of us human oppressors. She rules the roost. I would say she has ideas above her station, but then sometimes I am sure her station is far above mine. Today in the NYT I discovered why.

Cats descend from a specific set of five wildcats in the mideast whose mother left the jungle and joined a village of settlers. She decided that she'd rather eat their pests (rats and such) and have them take care of her than to deal with dangers in the jungle. Therefore, scientists have found that cats are independent and snobby because they chose to domesticate themselves rather than humans domesticating them. At any moment they could choose to leave and go back to the jungle. They don't really need us at all, we are the ones who hang around with them. Feeding them, cleaning up after them, waking up at all hours to let them in and out of the house, trying to get them to sit on our laps. They definitely have hand in this relationship.

No wonder I always find Duchess drinking milk out of my cereal bowl - while I am eating the cereal.

1 comment:

Eris said...
