Friday, June 22, 2007

Only the Lonely

Once upon a time, not so very long ago, Howard Stern was discussing how lonely it must be to be smart. His basic argument was he wasn't all that smart and when people called into his show he was amazed how stupid they were, so therefore people who were really smart must be very lonely. That they do not have too many people to talk to. Now, I am not someone who considers myself "really smart" but I am one of the one percent of the population who has earned a PhD. which is probably an indicator of some intelligence. When I am in these childbirth classes I think about what Howard Stern said and I think, now I know what he meant.

My friends here are generally very intelligent so I have surrounded myself with people with whom I do not feel this Stern loneliness. It's when I go out into the real world I realize just how much of an anomaly I truly am. I won't make fun of them here, because that truly is classless, but I will say that my teenage eye rolling skills have come back in full force in these I sit in the back so no one will see.


Eris said...

I once pulled an eye muscle in church... and isn't it a scary thought that ALL of those people in your class are procreating?

Muriel said...

I, on the other hand, did not finish college, am going on procreating for the 4th time, and couldn't carry on an intelligent political conversation if my life depended on it (please don't think less of me for that last one). However, I feel your pain, and cannot believe some people can even get through the everyday tasks of life. Just keep exercising those eye muscles and you won't pull one.

Unknown said...

I have to say that the Ph.D. is more about stubbornness (outlasting *them*). At least, it was for me.

I mean you do have to have some intellectual facility to get that far, but it's also about jumping through all those hoops.

Anonymous said...


Eris said...

Brandeen, get the youngins ready for lunch - they's got free samples at the Costco!