Friday, June 01, 2007


Okay, we submitted. We collapsed to the never-ending pressure by friends to watch this show. We recorded the entire marathon from Sci-Fi, downloaded episodes that were missing, and we watched it. (this is something Paul and I enjoy doing, we often watch hours and hours of television of a single's fun, especially when you like the person you're watching with) All of it.

Here are my thoughts (in no particular order, which is why this is a random pondering):
  • Heroes is a rip off of X-Men, I liked X-Men, couldn't we have just had a television show of X-Men?
  • Sylar is boring, boring, boring (and no, the episode with the mom did not make him more compelling)
  • "Save the cheerleader, save the world" should be everyone's motto
  • Nathan and Peter Petrelli (sp?) are the hottest heroes, Mohinder is the hottest non-hero
  • Claire is the hottest chick hero (but that makes me a lesbian pedophile, so don't tell anyone I said that)
  • Hiro ROCKS
  • When the chick who can make you see what she wants you to see gets knocked out, shouldn't she become the fat person she tells Micah she is hiding behind the facade? why does she become the facade?
  • Nikki rocks!
  • And, wasn't Linderman (sp?) only following Dick Cheney's advice of proportionately small losses are acceptable if you can heal the world?


Eris said...

Thank heaven, you finally joined in! Welcome to the Geek Squad. My thoughts on your thoughts....
1. Yes, it's a rip-off of X-Men, but it's a better version than the damn X-Men movies!
2. Mohinder = hot. Hottest Hero = D.L.
3. Sylar is not boring, but I'm glad he's gone. And the most interesting thing about the episode with his mom was that he was raised by Audrey from Little Shop of Horrors. That would mess up any kid!
4. Political intrigue does make the show better.

Unknown said...

Dude, she WAS funny

Eris said...

9 years at Blockbuster - I can always answer the "what else was she in?" question! It's my Hero power.