Sunday, June 17, 2007

A Simple Meme

Tagged by Tomorrow

Here are the rules to play:

1. Players start with 8 random facts about themselves.
2. Those who are tagged should post these rules and their 8 random facts.
3. Players should tag 8 other people and notify them they have been tagged.

8 Randomosities …

1. I fell in love with my husband because he didn't tuck in his shirts, shave or get his hair cut - after years of dating Stepford guys, this was a real clue of how fabulous he is.
2. My favorite group is the Beatles, and has been since I was four not since the more recent 90s flashback retro craze.
3. I am from the east, live in the west, and believe that all people should live in each region of the country to truly understand what America is like - of course I refuse to live in the South, so I am also a hypocrite.
4. I love reading historical romances and watching soap operas (General Hospital, As the World Turns, Guiding Light, Days of our Lives, Young and the Restless, All My Children) - which is probably why I loved the Tudors.
5. I once was a cheerleader - well, for five years I was once a cheerleader - and I actually am proud of that.
6. I can't read books or watch movies about animals who die - even the most innocuous of them like My Dog Skip.
7. I was voted class flirt of my high school.
8. I like to dance in the shower and then while I get ready in the morning.

I tag ….
1. Eris

2. Meemoo

3. Private Idaho

4. Oxymoron

Um, I don't know any more bloggers...I am such a blogosphere loser.


Eris said...

Ok, I'm thinking....

Muriel said...

Me too, although you tagged the only other ones I know, so...

Unknown said...

Meemoo, I don't even know you, so I'm sorry!!!! I just grabbed your name from Eris...which means I probably tagged all of hers as well...sorry!!

Eris said...

Yeah, you did. But that's ok - I'm almost over it.