Friday, December 29, 2006

Kitty Death

Yesterday was a bad day. I have had the R.E.M. song "Bad Day" running through my head nonstop since.

My little kitty friend died. I went to the vet to be there with him because no one - especially an animal in my care - should die alone. Because I went, my friend, my husband, another friend and the vet were all there to send Calvin off. I rubbed his little nose and his head and kissed him as his heart stopped. It was very peaceful and it broke my heart.

Paul went with me to tell the other animals. I think Miles is mourning, I haven't seen 'Lissa, Maxx could probably have cared less because Paul was there to snuggle with, and Dave seems totally unaffected. I cleaned up everything and I cried and I cried.

It's been a bad day...please don't take a picture.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh, honey. Thank you so much. This information comforts me (as I know it did him).