Friday, December 01, 2006

This is Why Democrats are Important in Congress

Today in the New York Times:

The Bush administration is withdrawing a plan to let big polluters
report less often on what they spew from their smokestacks.

We will hear lots of conversations about how Democrats aren't impeaching Bush, or that Democrats aren't forcing a troop withdrawal from Iraq, because these are the big ticket items that the media need to focus on to justify their existence. But the truth is, it is this that makes the Democratic takeover of Congress so important. Our bread and butter issues, including those that entail the government actually regulating the operations of big business. In the hands of the Republicans, industry gets away with whatever it wants (Panic of 1896, Great Depression, Teapot Dome Scandal, Enron...the list is endless). While they sell their neo-conservative foreign policy to a terrified populace and their pro-life/pro-family policy to hard line Christians, behind the scenes they allow big business - who is truly and has always truly been their only constituent - to run rampant over the private lives of everyday Americans.

While others will lament the lack of revenge in Congress, I will say, the fact that the business-backed Bush has withdrawn a plan to allow business to hide more pollution is a perfect demonstration as to why my party has to keep winning.

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