Tuesday, November 21, 2006

4.2 Miles

I bought a little pedometer last week. I am trying to get to 10,000 steps a day, which doesn't seem like that big a deal until you realize just how goddamn many steps that is. Needless to say, I have thus far failed to meet my goal. Today was my boot camp day which involved a series of obstacles...I guess, an obstacle course. We did jacks with medicine balls, jumped up stairs, skated, long jumped across the gym, climbed the wall (this is my particular favorite as my very good friend is my partner and she can run over the wall while I heave and shove myself up it and down it), we did abs and abs and abs, ski jumps, lat pull downs, bicep curls, etc etc etc, with each set of torture offset by a 2 lap sprint (I was happy today because I actually passed people...woo hoo!). I decided to wear my little pedometer to get a feel for how far and how many steps we go when we aren't on a cardio day (oh yes, this was NOT a cardio day). We stepped 4.2 miles...4.2 miles! On a non-cardio day. I can't wait to wear the pedometer for the figure 8.

I imagine I may get to my 10,000 steps today.

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