Friday, November 03, 2006

All Souls' Day

Yesterday was All Souls' Day for the Catholic Church. What this means is we pray for all the souls and the people who have died. This day never meant anything to me before but now it comes on the anniversary (or near the anniversary) of my baby's dying. And my church puts her name up on the wall as one of its "beloved dead." Many people will forget that I lost a baby last year, and I understand why...before it happened to me I never understood how people could be so upset about losing a baby as a stillborn. Some people will remember (and have already mentioned they remembered) who know me well and know how awful this time last year was.

I draw solace from the fact that my church community will pray for her and that she was remembered by them without my prompting. While the world marches on (which sometimes boggles my mind as I feel every rock and tree has changed), my church mourns with me.


Eris said...

I love you.

Unknown said...

Aw hon.
