Thursday, November 02, 2006

Being a Democrat

I have always been a Democrat. When I registered to vote when I was 17 I registered as a Democrat. Every time I have registered since I have done so. Then I had the bright idea of getting involved in party leadership...and I think I am going to unregister myself here in Utah. I am embarassed to have my name connected with a number of these people. Some Democrats here I love (husband and best friends) and some Democrats I admire very much (my mentor in the party and previous county chair) but holy crap there are some Democrats who are testing my time worn attitude about weapons.

Last night I was feeling pretty good about myself. I was a panelist on the local PBS station's CD 1 debate (then of course I saw myself and realized those 3 cameras on me added 30 pounds...or that I have a lot of work to do at boot camp) and came home loving life. Hit play on the answering machine to have some man threatening prosecution because some Democrats put signs on his lawn without his permission apparently at 6am yesterday morning.

WTF!?! What idiot Democrat snuck on to someone's yard and placed a sign at 6am? Oh, wait, I know, it's that annoying family which seems determined to embarass us all. Eris, you know about whom I speak! I do NOT want to be associated with these people. They are stupid, they are vindictive, they are nasty, they are mean (the latter three wouldn't bother me so much if they were I kind of respect Karl Rove because man the dude can work the's the stupid that really gets my hackles up) and they are causing ME to have messages on MY personal answering machine. That's it. I am out of this Utah party.

Watch world, Idaho will go Democrat and Utah will stay Republican until the end of time because of these types of people who seem to populate the party here. ARGH!!

1 comment:

Eris said...

Amen, Sister. One of the biggest motivators for moving to Seattle will be to get away from these people.

Blanket Primary, here I come!