Thursday, November 09, 2006

Run Forrest Run

When I watched Forrest Gump, the thing I was most impressed by was his running. My lord, the man ran from Maine to California. I can barely run down the street.

Today in boot camp we ran backwards up the major hill, down and then around the "little hill" (the little hill is the one I have to downshift to get up) and then backwards up the major hill, down and then around the little hill, and then straight up the big hill and into some neighborhood. I almost died. I almost got lost. I was very pathetic.

And to top it all off it was RAINING...RAINING. I was soaking wet at the end of the whole ordeal. It was unclear how much of the soak was coming up from my sweaty body or coming in from the rain.

I keep hoping that like Forrest Gump the running will become something I love to do, but as yet, that state of zen has alluded me.

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